FW: question about structure

VansEvers Mr. Frank W vanseversfw at MARCENTHQ.usmc.mil
Wed Jun 2 17:09:06 UTC 2004

Subject: question about structure

If I have the following structure:

aa.usmc.mil     NS  ns1.aa.usmc.mil

aa.usmc.mil     NS  ns2.aa.usmc.mil

aa.usmc.mil     SOA  ns1.aa.usmc.mil

aa.usmc.mil  MX   exch.usmc.mil

ns1   A

ns2    A

exch   A

www   CNAME  exch.aa.usmc.mil


For this scenario exch is exchange and iis.

Is ther any way I can have

http://aa.usmc.mil <http://aa.usmc.mil/>  and have it resolve to the iis
server exch


/s/ Frank W. Vans Evers, SAIC Tampa Florida

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