Bind9 + db(any) + split dns (views)

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jul 21 17:25:38 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Habing <bhabing at> writes:

    Ben> Does anyone have any experience with setting up bind9 with a
    Ben> db backend?  Good or bad?

    Ben> The main reason we want to have a db is we are going to be
    Ben> giving client access to edit zones, and sign up for new or
    Ben> transfer existing domains.  And if I told them we'd be giving
    Ben> them ssh access they'd say, "What's SSH?", "You mean I have
    Ben> to type it?"

Your question doesn't seem to follow from the original premise. Your
users/can't won't use a command-line interface and are probably
clueless when it comes to DNS administration and the management of
resource records. So presumably you'll provide some sort of web-based
GUI to take care of that. What comes out of the back-end of that GUI
should be opaque to those users. It could be SQL that gets fed into
some sort of database, as you seem to be minded to do. The GUI output
might be Dynamic DNS updates. It could even be conventional zone files
and snippets of named.conf!

Introducing a database back-end to BIND9 could be a lot more work than
some of the other alternatives. I doubt the costs of using a database
back-end justify the (marginal) benefits. This might be useful
whenever there's huge amounts of data to manage: millions of resource
records and/or hundreds of thousands of zones. If the amount of data
that will be in your name servers isn't at that scale, a database
back-end probably isn't worth the effort.

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