Inheritance from globally-set options to zone statements

Simon Dodd simon.dodd at JOINKLLC.COM
Tue Jul 20 18:27:00 UTC 2004

I'm sorry if this is an obvious question, and it may be more a
nomenclature problem making my searches fail than anything else.

I'm setting up a BIND9 server, and my named.conf will have the following
options set:

	options {
      	  directory "/var/named";
	        version "8.3.3-REL-NOESW";
	        recursion no;=20

Am I correct in assuming that because I've set allow-update{"none"} in
the global options, I won't need to include this in the zone
information, because inheritance will apply that stricture to each zone?

So in an example zone:

	zone "" in{
		type master;
		file "localhost.rev";

Is the line allow-update{none;} going to be superfluous because I've
already declared in the global options that NO zones can be updated?

Sorry to ask obvious questions, but I want to get this right before
putting in 200-odd zones statements!

Simon Dodd,
Joink Internet

E: simon.dodd at
"I always enjoy learning, although I confess to not always enjoy being
taught" - Sir Winston Churchill

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