Rich Parkin RParkin at ldmi.com
Mon Jul 19 13:58:24 UTC 2004

First step is identifying your OS.  We assume you're running a DNS
server on UNIX, but that's a pretty big assumption.

If you're running UNIX, find where the named executable lives on your
server.  The following command should find every instance of it (and
anything that even looks like it):

find / -name named

Hopefully, there's only one instance living in a bin or sbin
subdirectory somewhere.  Assuming that your server is currently running
named, this command will give you more information about the process:

ps -ef | grep named

Between the two of these commands, you should get a pretty good idea of
what's running and where it is.  Assuming yours lives in
/usr/local/sbin, you'd run the following command:

/usr/local/sbin/named -v

The -v switch will tell you what version it is and exit.  There's a
special type of DNS request you can make that might return the version,
but this way is more direct and certain.  We'd hope that your DNS server
is configured not to allow anyone on the Internet to ask it what version
it is and get a good answer.

As far as logging goes, if you have no logging options in your
named.conf file then most certainly everything is being logged to the
syslog.  It is possible that you have logging options set that direct
error messages elsewhere.  You'll have to examine your configuration
file to determine that.

Richard Parkin
System Administrator
Data Center Operations
LDMI Telecommunications

>>> "John Jacks" <mibsun at gibnynex.gi> 7/19/2004 8:18:00 AM >>>
Hi ,
I am inheriting DNS Admin ; I want to know what version of bind we are
running and currently where it is logging all the errors .
Many Thanks

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