2 problems: "temporary name lookup failures" & updating TLD servers

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Mon Jul 5 23:39:11 UTC 2004

At 07:08 PM 7/5/2004, Linda W. wrote:
>However, once it is working, I still want it to work "well".  If I could
>download 1 10 meg file every morning and have 90% of my name lookups be
>local all
>day it would be WAY worth it.  It's all the small lookups and
>transactions that
>slow things down.  If bulked up and xferred all at once, I could likely
>save tons of
>wait time for setting up, waiting on network and server latency and
>tear-down if I
>could spend a minute downloading a large file every morning....

I don't think so. For example, the nasa namesevers have a TTL of 600 seconds,
or 10 minutes:

H:\bind930bin>dig ns nasa.gov.

; <<>> DiG 9.3.0a0 <<>> ns nasa.gov.
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 41
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;nasa.gov.                      IN      NS

nasa.gov.               600     IN      NS      NASANS1.nasa.gov.
nasa.gov.               600     IN      NS      NASANS3.nasa.gov.
nasa.gov.               600     IN      NS      NASANS4.nasa.gov.

;; Query time: 330 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Jul 05 19:33:52 2004
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 92

That means that those nameservers can change every 10 minutes. How are you
going to keep up with that. It makes no sense since nameservers shouldn't be
changing that frequently but I'm not responsible for nasa's nameservers. It's a
really bad idea to second-guess why this is or to try and keep up with changes.
You should give up this idea and let BIND do what it does best: find the 
NS records and the requested A records, etc.


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