BIND 8.4.4 status ?

Vladimir Kotal vladimir.kotal at
Thu Jan 15 10:34:44 UTC 2004


As was announced on bind-announce ml, 8.4.3 contains 'unfortunate' bug:

Can I ask what is the status of 8.4.4 ?

This bug is causing a lot of traffic to be generated on nameservers w/
IPv6 transit switched on as was discussed on this ml:

In our case (FreeBSD 4.9-R), it is generating cca 1.5Mbits IPv6 traffic 
per second and causing significant CPU load.

In the meantime anyone suffering from this problem can use following
script written one of my colleagues (who wishes to remain unnamed):


my $log_date ;
chomp($log_date = `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`) ;
my $logfile = '/home/system/bind/bind_checker.log' ;
my ($junk1, $junk2, $cpu_perc, $junk3) ;
my $cpu_limit = 20 ;
my $pid = `cat /etc/namedb/var/run/` ;
chomp($pid) ;

my $ps_line = `ps axu -p $pid | grep 'bind' | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print
$3}'` ;
($junk1, $junk2, $cpu_perc, $junk3) = split(/\s+/,$ps_line) ;

open LOG, ">>$logfile" ;

if ( $cpu_perc > $cpu_limit ) {
        print LOG "$log_date [$pid]: cpu use: $cpu_perc ..." ;
        $ret = `kill -1 $pid` ;
        print LOG "\'named\' restarted\n" ;

} else {
        print LOG "$log_date [$pid]: cpu use: $cpu_perc\n" ;

close LOG ;

exit 0 ;


V. Kotal

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