Help! Bind on RH Linux 9

phn at phn at
Wed Jan 7 15:43:16 UTC 2004

DTS <dave at> wrote:
> Hi,

>     I'm using the default installation of BIND that comes with RedHat
> Linux 9.x. I need to use it as the authoritative DNS for my domain. Is
> the default installation of BIND on this version of RH caching-only,
> or can it be used for just about any DNS purpose (does modifying
> named.conf effect this)?  When I try nslookup locally on the DNS
> server, it fails to find the service at all (;; connection timed out;
> no servers could be reached). Yet, when I can verify with chkconfig
> --list that named is indeed running. How can I pick out the named
> service from a netstat listing?

named listens on udp and tcp port 53 ( + soem more)

>     Other questions...What should I set my server hostname to? How can
> I ensure that /etc/resolv.conf cannot be overwritten by the system
> once I make changes to it?

If you want to be 100% shure noone fiddles with /etc/resolv.conf 
you could as a Linux user change attributes ( man chflags) 
and make the file unalterable.

>     I'm in the middle of consulting the official RH docs, specifically
> the Reference Guide for help. I've already consulted three other books
> on this matter (RHCE Study Guide, O'Reilly's Linux Network
> Administration, and O'Reilly's DNS and Bind!). I'm rather concerned
> that something more subtle, such as a network interface
> misconfiguration may be going awry.

> Thanks for any and all help!

Whatever you do: use the info in "O'Reilly's DNS and Bind" to
manage your nameserver DONT USE LINUXCONF !!

Peter Håkanson         
        IPSec  Sverige      ( At Gothenburg Riverside )
           Sorry about my e-mail address, but i'm trying to keep spam out,
	   remove "icke-reklam" if you feel for mailing me. Thanx.

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