"Catch-all" forwarding

Harry Sufehmi milis-2 at harrysufehmi.com
Wed Dec 15 14:32:35 UTC 2004

We currently have a situation in our infrastructure where I'll very much 
appreciate your input into it.

A bit of background: Our company used to have a decentralized IT 
management. Therefore each department can have their own DNS server and 
Now we have it centralized, and currently trying to consolidate our DNS 

At the moment we're using 2 domain names internally, internal.pri and 
ourdomain.gov.uk - I know we shouldn't be using the second one 
internally, but people are already using it so we need to accommodate 
that while we sort everything out.

internal.pri DNS server is completely isolated internally, while 
ourdomain.gov.uk DNS server is placed on DMZ so it can serve both 
external and internal requests.

There's a requirement that if a query for a host is not found on 
internal.pri server, then it's to be forwarded to ourdomain.gov.uk DNS 

The reason for this is that many machines have been setup to use 
internal.pri DNS, but will submit queries for hosts (not an FQDN) which 
actually lives in ourdomain.gov.uk zone

I've done a research on this for the last few days, but due to my almost 
complete lack of expertise on this topic, I've not been able to find a 
solution for this requirement.

If only the queries are submitted as FQDN, then we just need to set a 
ourdomain.gov.uk zone in internal.pri server, and specify it to forward 
all incoming requests to the real ourdomain.gov.uk server.
Alas, no such joy for us.

I wonder if anyone has done this before, and how ?

Many thanks,

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