Are there any limits to the character length of a service name in an SRV record?

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Aug 30 16:29:30 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Todd" == Corsa, Todd <tcorsa at> writes:

    Todd> Are there any limits to the character length of a service
    Todd> name in an = SRV record? I've searched through O'Reilly's
    Todd> DNS and BIND (4th edition), = read several RFCs describing
    Todd> record types, including the 2 on SRV records = (2782 and
    Todd> 2052) and 1035, and done extensive web searches, but can't
    Todd> find any clear rules on this.=A0

RFC1035 could hardly be clearer:

	2.3.4. Size limits

	Various objects and parameters in the DNS have size limits.
	They are listed below.  Some could be easily changed, others
	are more fundamental.

	labels          63 octets or less

	names           255 octets or less



	3.1. Name space definitions


	To simplify implementations, the total length of a domain name
	(i.e., label octets and label length octets) is restricted to
	255 octets or less.

The protocol spec. says a domain name -- ie the owner name of some
resource record like an SRV record -- can't be more than 255 octets
(bytes), including the separating dots and a terminating null byte for
the root label. No label in the name -- the bit between two dots --
can be longer than 63 octets.

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