newbie: question about forwarding

Edvard Tuinder listbind at
Wed Aug 25 22:10:51 UTC 2004

According to Mike:
> Aug 25 18:48:53 ns named[73]: Ready to answer queries.
> Aug 25 18:48:53 ns named[73]: non-recursive forwarder: [].53
> Aug 25 18:48:53 ns named[73]: non-recursive forwarder: [].53
> I googled this quite a bit but I cant find answers to the following 
> questions:
> 1) am I wrong in my thinking the nameservers of my isp would make great 
> forwarders?. I think they could answer a lot of my queries from cache?

Yes you are wrong there. The correct nameservers for your setup should
be, and

The nameservers you are using now are the so-called authoritative
nameservers from xs4all. They only serve domains for which they are
the registered nameserver.

> 2) Why on earth would my isp make the nameservers non-recursive? What's the 
> point, whats in it for them?

There are various reasons for splitting DNS services in authoritative and
caching servers. Though cache-pollution is no longer that big an issue there
are still good reasons for doing so.

Change your config to use the aforementiond nameservers (aka
and all will be well.


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