no IPv6 interfaces found

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Aug 23 12:18:59 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Marten" == Marten Lehmann <lehmann at> writes:

    Marten> Hello, I haven't not defined any IPv6 interfaces and also
    Marten> I haven't included

    Marten> listen-on-v6 { none; };

    Marten> but I did, and nothing changed. At startup and for some
    Marten> reason every hour a new line appears:

    Marten> Aug 22 12:55:45.860 network: debug 1: no IPv6 interfaces found

    Marten> What's that for? 

By default the name server checks every hour to see if the network
interfaces on the host have changed. The interface-interval clause in
the options{} statement can be used to change this behaviour. This
should only be done on systems where the network interfaces *never*
change. Though even on them the hourly check is harmless. The log
messages you get are just what you'd expect to see if this hourly
check didn't find any IPv6 interfaces. You wouldn't get these messages
in the log if you'd configured the name server to be less verbose
about what it reported.

    Marten> How can I disable it?

The name server is just logging what you told it to log. You can
suppress this message with a less chatty logging setup.

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