bind 9.2.3rc3 problems

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at
Sat Aug 21 07:33:29 UTC 2004

>>in a ISP environment with 30000 customers ..about 15 20 minutes online
>>...the named service stops responding to requests ...restarting named v=
> ia
>>rndc reload DOESNT cure the issue ..i found that the named cache is
>>filling up (as well as i read now thats thers memory leak bug in this
>>release of bind.) anywho..

We had similiar problem, after patching the solaris9 with latest 
patches, it disappeared. We have e280 1xcpu, bind either 9.2.1 or 9.2.3 
I don't remember, now its 9.2.3 and it's fine.

or you might check things below...

did you check you recursive-client queue? What's you req/sec rate? Did 
you enable logging for client category? how big is your cache when it 
stops responding? what's the cpu load when it stops? Do you receive 
weird traffic?


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