Lookuping IP address using four nameservers at the same time.

Kerry Thompson kerry at security.geek.nz
Fri Aug 6 02:56:52 UTC 2004

Facco Eloelo said:
> [snip]
> Is there a tool (or just a perl script) which can set four nameservers(or
> more)
> *at the same time* to query?
> Thank you in advance.

It depends on how close together you want to get the queries. You could
setup a script to do the lookups sequentially:
  dig @ www.aaa.com
  dig @ www.aaa.com
  .. and so on

(using 'host' or 'nslookup' instead of dig if you like). Or you could use
a single dig command:

  dig @ www.aaa.com @ www.aaa.com ...

but these both aren't really parallel, they really just sequential
lookups. To get real parallel you would need to use something like async
lookups using Perl's Net::DNS, as in mresolv (see
http://search.cpan.org/src/CREIN/Net-DNS-0.47/demo/mresolv ) - you would
need to change this code a bit to do what you want. This would be quite
difficult, and probably not what you really want to do.


Kerry Thompson
IT Security Consultant

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