Security Question

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at Tesco.NET
Tue Aug 3 04:43:39 UTC 2004

t> I was reading some stuff by Microsoft on split dns.

But you didn't read it carefully.  (And, as a consequence, we have the 
usual suspects playing Chinese Whispers again.  <sigh>)

t> They insist that a dns server on a private network should never
t> use a root hints file but should always forward to the dns
t> server at you ISP.

No, that's *not* what (for one thing) Microsoft KnowledgeBase article 
323380 says.  Microsoft KnowledgeBase article 323380 says that one can 
*either* use standard recursion *or* recursion by forwarding, and gives 
procedures for setting up each.  Where it mentions forwarding, it 
qualifies that with an "if" clause.  *If* one is constrained to being 
required to use DNS services provided by one's ISP, one must configure 
forwarding.  But that's a significant "if".  (It's also a 
much-misunderstood one.)


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