Zoneedit DNS blacklisting

Jocab john at
Mon Apr 19 08:44:04 UTC 2004

I have been using zoneedit for years using MailForward on some
domains. However, it seems now that Zoneedit enforces DNS blacklisting
very strictly for MailForward. I understand this, but the problem is
that many people who mail me, and whose server (or better, the
smtp-server of their provider) is in the blacklist, can't mail me
anymore. I know *many* big providers with smtp-servers in the
blacklist. Is there anything to be done? I know it's not Zoneedit's or
my fault, but it's very annoying. Are there some DNS-services which
let this to be configurable? I thought about but they
don't seem to do anything like DNS-services anymore. (for domains not
registered with them). I am prepared to pay for DNS-hosting.

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