Delegation of Inverse Zone Subnets

Rich Parkin RParkin at
Fri Apr 16 14:49:08 UTC 2004


One of our customers is asking us to delegate to them the Inverse Zone
for the IP subnet we've assigned their connection to the Internet.

We've been delegated to from upstream providers, but I've never had to
turn around and delegate to a downstream customer.

I'm actually trying to shoot this down because I'm worried about
running afoul of ARIN's lame delegation policy, not to mention the
support headache of managing the delegation.  But I may not succeed, and
have to do it anyway.

Is there an RFC that covers this, or best practices to follow?  I've
seen it done a couple of different ways and I want to make sure I do it
right the first time.

Richard Parkin
System Administrator
Data Center Operations
LDMI Telecommunications

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