Migration Errors (Bind 8 to Bind 9)

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Apr 14 00:04:09 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Gerardo" == Gerardo  <gerardo at flecharoja.com> writes:

    Gerardo> Apr 13 14:55:55 tierra named[2246]: dns_rdata_fromtext:
    Gerardo> bnvsite.com.externo:15: near 'mail.bnvsite.com.': not a
    Gerardo> valid number

    Gerardo> The zone file is:
    GerardO> $TTL 2D 
    Gerardo> $ORIGIN bnvsite.com.  
    Gerardo> @    IN      SOA     ns1.bnvsite.com. root.ns1.bnvsite.com. (
    Gerardo>      2003061202      ; Serial Number
    Gerardo>            7200      ; Refresh 
    Gerardo>            7200      ; Retry 
    Gerardo>            604800    ; Expire
    Gerardo>            2H        ; ttl )

    Gerardo> 			IN NS ns1.bnvsite.com.

    Gerardo> www.bnvsite.com.   IN A 
    Gerardo> mail.bnvsite.com.  IN A 
    Gerardo>			IN MX mail.bnvsite.com.  
    Gerardo> bnvsite.com.       IN CNAME www.bnvsite.com.

    Gerardo> Any idea??

The MX record is broken. It needs to have a preference value. I
suspect you want it to be an MX record for bnvsite.com rather than
mail.bnvsite.com too so that mail for bnvsite.com gets delivered via
an SMTP connection to mail.bnvsite.com. ie:
	bnvsite.com. IN MX 100 mail.bnvsite.com

The CNAME above is illegal. Since bnvsite.com already exists as a SOA
and NS record, the name cannot exist as a CNAME. You could have an A
record for bnvsite.com pointing at Assuming you're
trying to ensure people who don't type www.bnvsite.com into their
browsers get directed to your web site.

I'd also get rid of this 2D and 2H silliness. You should be consistent
and use the same notation throughout your zone files: TTL, refresh
values, etc really should always be given in seconds.

BTW, named-checkzone and named-checkconf are your friends. Use these
to check your zone and named.conf files before feeding them to BIND9.
And read the BIND9 migration notes in doc/misc.

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