Domains not resolving in Bind9, flush cache, clears issue.

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Apr 13 20:12:55 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Brook" == Brook Harty <harty at> writes:

    Brook> Yup, now I see all the domains having issues are glue
    Brook> record issues.  Must be a common problem when upgrading to
    Brook> Bind9.  How do larger ISP's avoid this problem, just stick
    Brook> with bind8?

No. They don't get themselves into situations where they rely on
broken glue setups and suchlike that legacy DNS software tolerated. If
your zone files and delegations are in good health -- ie as they're
supposed to be -- using BIND9 presents no problem at all.

Your problems are caused by self-inflicted wounds. icee is delegated
to and These
two zones are delegated to these two servers by the .com and net
zones. So far, so good. These two name servers are authoritative for
the and zones. But both zones --
the definitive source of information about them! -- say that and don't
exist! This is why your zones are unresolvable. Add A records for
these names to the zones, just like you were supposed to have done,
and your problem will go away.

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