DIG question

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Mon Apr 5 21:05:07 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Sara" == Sara  <demone33 at yahoo.it> writes:

    Sara> Hi all, I created a fake domain on my server (BIND 9.2.3
    Sara> Linux Red-Hat 7.3).

    Sara> Then I issued the following:

    Sara>         # dig @localhost www.fakedomain.gr +short

    Sara> Correct IP received.

    Sara> # dig @localhost www.myfakedomain.gr +trace

    Sara> gr.  3600 IN SOA grdns.ics.forth.gr.
    Sara> hmaster-info.ics.forth.gr. 404051313 21600 7200 2592000 3600
    Sara> ;; Received 102 bytes from in 104 ms

    Sara> Why in one case does BIND respond with its own data and in
    Sara> the other case goes to the Internet and fails?  TIA all!

Simple. A +trace argument to dig makes it start at the root and
resolve the name being looked up by itself. dig follows the
delegations, showing the referrals at each step of the way. So when it
queries one of the servers for .gr, these quite correctly tell you
your bogus domain doesn't exist. If you query your name server
directly, as you showed earlier, it answers for thos bogus domain.

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