9.2.2 on Windows 2000 bug fixed?

Cihan Subasi (Garanti Teknoloji) CihanS at garanti.com.tr
Thu Sep 18 09:33:33 UTC 2003

I installed 9.2.3rc2 yesterday, everything worked well until I left the=
 company, then when I came back in the morning I saw that bind is getting=
 errnno:10057 and not working...Went back to 9.2.2 and it is fine now..When=
 9.2.3rc3 will be avalaible...

-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users-bounce at isc.org [mailto:bind-users-bounce at isc.org]On Behalf=
 Of Jim McAtee
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 5:41 AM
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at isc.org; Danny Mayer
Subject: Re: 9.2.2 on Windows 2000 bug fixed?

Danny Mayer wrote:

> Yes. However do NOT install 9.2.3rc2 as there was a problem with
> it. You can still install rc1 or wait for rc3.

Are there problems with rc2 besides those with delegation-only type zones? =
installed it earlier today on two W2k servers, but had to remove the com=
net delegation-only zones or all queries were refused.  Since removing=
 them, it
seems to be running fine.

Should I pull it and go back to rc1?  Any guesses when rc3 or a fixed rc2=
be released for Win32?

BTW, I noticed that the installer placed the newer libeay32.dll into
%SystemRoot%\system32\dns\bin instead of %SystemRoot%\system32.  Was that
intentional?  I moved it out of that directory into the system32 directory,
overwriting the older file.


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