Newbie question on lots of slave zones

David E. Smith dave at
Tue Oct 21 02:11:09 UTC 2003

I don't think there's a quick easy way to do this, but I can hope ...

I want to set up one DNS server ( that will be doing primary 
DNS for about 600 zones, plus acting as a caching server for a few 
thousand dialup customers. The caching thing is easy...

What I'd like to do is set up so that any changes made to it 
are automatically propagated to Change a zone file? It 
propagates. Create a new zone, or cease to be authoritative for a zone? It 
propagates. Et cetera.

I know this can be done by putting a whole lot of slave directives on ns2, 
and telling it that ns1 is the master, but that doesn't cover the 'I got a 
new zone' part of the problem.

I suppose I could just export the config file and zone directory via SMB 
or NFS or whatever, but that opens up a whole new can of ugliness that I'd 
prefer to avoid if I can.

Any brilliant ideas, or am I gonna have to do this the hard way?


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