Query source port 53

Barry Margolin barry.margolin at level3.com
Mon Oct 13 17:37:37 UTC 2003

In article <bmeic1$esj$1 at sf1.isc.org>, Bragi Baldursson <bb at simi.is> wrote:
>I have been looking over the RFCs and the threads about the issue of using
>source port 53 for querying and it seems to me
>that the standard is to use port 53 as the query source port.

This was the behavior of BIND 4, but AFAIK it's not specified in any
standard.  And BIND 8 changed the default behavior -- it now selects an
ephemeral source port.

>In a GPRS network environment we have typically 2 DNS servers.   Each of
>these servers refer to a root
>server who resides in a GRX environment to get info for resolving.
>Now I have been having a problem with a particular GPRS operator that he
>will not allow my DNS to query
>his DNSs using source port 53.   My DNSs have always used source port 53
>for querying so I was quite
>taken aback by this.   His argument was that you are not allowed to use
>port 53 as a source port for DNS
>but you should use any port number > 1023.
>Due to this they close their firewall for all DNS queries coming from
>source port 53.    Is this correct?

I don't think there's any standard restriction on the source port.  And
since BIND 4 always uses port 53, he's blocking any access to his DNS from
sites that use old software.

Barry Margolin, barry.margolin at level3.com
Level(3), Woburn, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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