bind 9 slave updating

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue Oct 28 23:00:50 UTC 2003

David Hill wrote:

>Hello -
>We setup a new nameserver running BIND 9.2.2.  The other nameservers
>including the master run 8.x.
>To add domains to each of the nameservers we run a script that puts it in
>named.conf on the master, adds it to a named.conf.export on the master which
>scp's the file over the other nameservers, then restarts the master.
>The serial number does not change.
>The 8.x slave servers change just fine (i guess cause the master tells them
>a domain has changed.  However, the bind 9.2.2 slave does not update.  If
>I -HUP the 9.2.2 slave, it properly loads the new config just fine.
>I am thinking upgrading all the nameservers to 9.2.3 and using the rndc
>command to reload each namservers config would be the best thing, but what
>can I do as of right now to get 9.2.2 to properly reload?
Frankly, I can't see how your method could work, even for BIND 8. Simply 
putting a new named.conf on a slave doesn't automatically update its 
in-core list of authoritative zones, and until that list is updated, the 
slave will ignore NOTIFYs for any new zones. At the very least, you'd 
need a "(r)ndc reconfig" to make this work. Are you sure there's not 
some step in your process (e.g. an "ndc reconfig" cron job on the BIND 8 
slaves) that you've forgotten about?

In any case, what would be the big deal with issuing a couple of rndc 
commands from the master after scp'ing the new config to each slave? 
It'll just benignly fail on the BIND 8 servers.

                                 - Kevin

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