Variations on lame delegations (terminology question)

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at
Mon Oct 27 02:30:48 UTC 2003

> 	If your link to the rest of the world is down then comes back
> 	up.  How long do you want named to wait before it starts to
> 	use the link again?
> 	Named can't tell the difference between a link down, host
> 	down, no server running, firewall blocking the packet,
> 	lots of packet loss.
you are right, but there are setups, where the possibility that you can 
not reach the rest of the world is less than the possibility that your 
misconfigured clients/viruses will abuse your bind with thousands of 
queries per seconds for a domain name, which ns are unreachable, and 
your bind will try to follow up many times every such a single packet, 
without any sense.

Have it as an option, will help.


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