DNS is driving me crazy! (need another set of eyes)

andy dingfelder dingfelder at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 27 07:43:34 UTC 2003

(sorry if this posts twice, I'm having trouble with my news setup)

Ok, I made the jump and formatted my win2k box and installed redhat 9.
Now im having a bear of a time getting my DNS set up.  I have perused a
gazillion how-to guides and am obviously missing something :(  Im hoping
some kind soul can help to keep me from going back to the dark side :P

Basially, I would love another set of eyes to look at my config to see what
I am doing wrong.

Background Info: I used to have my web server, application server, dns,
sendmail and DB on my windows server and it all worked last week, so I know
the problem is not in my router or my domain itself...

Also, I shut my firewall completely off for this test so I know it must be
my DNS config.  (my router is only granting access to port 80 for web, 53
for DNS and 22 for SSH)

Finally, I believe DNS is up and running because I can telnet to localhost
53 and when I grep for "named", I get:

[root at jomamma root]# ps -ef | grep named
named     5468     1  0 18:47 ?        00:00:01 [named]
root      5649  5622  0 22:13 pts/1    00:00:00 grep named

I will list my configuration below for convenience...   I will be so happy
if anyone can point out ways to perfect my setup.

Thanks !

For these examples:
1.  I am changing my domain to "mydomain"
2.  The internal ip address of the linux box is
3.  The name servers are ns1.mydomain.com and ns2.mydomain.com and are are
registered with my server as their ip address (listed as
below).  This ip is the external address of my linksys router which is
forwarding port 53 to my server's internal ip.
4.  admin email is admin at mydomain.com
5.  server name is jomamma

>>>>>>> start  /etc/hosts jomamma localhost.localdomain localhost

>>>>>>> end  /etc/hosts
>>>>>>> start   /var/named/0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.zone

$TTL 3600
@       IN      SOA     ns1.mydomain.com.  admin.mydomain.com. (
                        2003112418 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        7200 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; ttk

                NS      ns1.mydomain.com.
                NS      ns2.mydomain.com.

1               PTR     localhost.

>>>>>>> end   /var/named/0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.zone
>>>>>>> start  /var/named/1.168.192.in-addr.arp.zone

$TTL 3600
@       IN      SOA     @       root.localhost (
                        2003112418 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        7200 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; ttk

@       IN      NS      ns1.mydomain.com.
@       IN      NS      ns2.mydomain.com.

>>>>>>> end  /var/named/1.168.192.in-addr.arp.zone
>>>>>>> start  /var/named/mydomain.com.zone

$TTL 3600
@       IN      SOA     ns1.mydomain.com.  admin.mydomain.com. (
                        2003112501 ; serial
                        2880 ; refresh
                        720 ; retry
                        60480 ; expire
                        8640 ; ttl
        IN      NS      ns1.mydomain.com.
 IN      NS      ns2.mydomain.com.
        IN      MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.

ns1             IN      A

ns2             IN      A

jomamma         IN      A

www  IN CNAME jomamma

webserver       IN      A       jomamma

mail            IN      A       jomamma

; eot

>>>>>>> end  /var/named/mydomain.com.zone
>>>>>>> start  /var/named/localhost.zone

$TTL    3600
$ORIGIN localhost.
@                       1D IN SOA       @ root (

                        2003112417 ; serial
                        28800 ; refresh
                        7200 ; retry
                        604800 ; expire
                        86400 ; ttk

                        1D IN NS        @
                        1D IN A

>>>>>>> end  /var/named/localhost.zone
>>>>>>> start  /var/named/named.local

$TTL    3600
@       IN      SOA     localhost. root.localhost.  (
                                      2003112417 ; Serial
                                      28800      ; Refresh
                                      14400      ; Retry
                                      3600000    ; Expire
                                      86400 )    ; Minimum
              IN      NS      localhost.

1       IN      PTR     localhost.

>>>>>>> end  /var/named/named.local

(in this file the 3 nameservers are earthlink's dns servers)

>>>>>>> end  /etc/resolv.conf

search mydomain.com

>>>>>>> end  /etc/resolv.conf

Flame on :P

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