Ideas to debug...

Jonathan Villa jvilla at
Mon Nov 10 02:47:05 UTC 2003

Setup: Red Hat 8.0 machines.

I had one machine running an RPM install of BIND and it worked fine...

I decided to move my name servers from machine a to machine b where I
was going to install BIND from source...

I copied my named.conf over to the new machine as well as everything in
/var/named/ on machine a to /usr/local/named on machine b.  This
includes 2 dirs...

I then uninstalled the RPMs from machine a and started up named on
machine b.

Everything works great... the only issue is this...

On machine A (which ran name servers originally) the hostname was
Polycarp. and on the new name servers, the hostname was origen. 

So, I changed the hostnames (/etc/sysconfig/network) modified my zone
file (for both the external view and the internal view) and restarted
the machines...

So, now for my problem... If I log into either polycarp or origen and
ping what the old hostname was, I get when I should be getting
the new address....

Any ideas?

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