Can someone explain forwarders and why I don't need them?

Alex Hulse alexhulse at
Thu Jul 31 13:09:07 UTC 2003

Joseph S D Yao wrote:

> No!  Once you have looked up ".org" once, the list of ".org" servers
> stays until it expires.  Same with "" and "".  As you
> gather your set of most-often-used domains into your cache, the lookups
> will come from cache and be very fast.
> Besides, what's half-way across the Internet?  The max you can go is
> roughly 12,000 miles in any direction [as the crow flies],and those
> electrons are pretty fast.  ;-)
>>			     ..? Or should I use a forwarder and point 
>>them to my ISP's DNS servers? Or is there another way of achieving this one?
> This is unlikely to be a good idea.

Thanks for your further patient replies. Suffice to say I think I've got 
quite a bit to learn, and so the O'Reilly book is on its way...


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