Default/Wildcard Query Response

Shane Kinsch shane.kinsch at
Tue Jul 29 00:37:40 UTC 2003

Does anyone happen to know a quick and dirty way of taking any traffic
being requested and give the person doing the query a default IP?

For example... Let's say you were a hosting company or a domain name
registration firm and you are registering (or allowing people to
register) domain names using your DNS servers.

I would like to direct traffic of the new domain to an IP address such
that person X registers a domain and uses our DNS servers for
resolution.  I would like to have a default statement somewhere that
when queried, and the domain is not locally setup, it responds to a
default IP address thus sending the traffic to a default "domain not
setup" page.

Any help is appreciated.  Please respond to the e-mail address below
and copy the newsgroup.


Shane Kinsch
NetraCorp LLC
shane.kinsch at netracorp.comNOSPAM

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