nsupdate on MS Windows

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Sun Jul 27 23:27:51 UTC 2003

At 09:33 AM 7/25/03, Cinense, Mark wrote:
>I am running nsupdate on a Windows 2000 server, and updating a Bind 9.2.2
>server.  Does anyone know why I might be having problems with the nsupdate
>utility.  The problem is that it hangs sometimes, and on some days a lot
>on other days not at all.  I guess nsupdate uses udp, is this correct?

That depends on the size of the packet required for the update.

>   Just
>about everyone in the server group thinks it is the network switch, and of
>course the network group thinks it is our servers.

Break out a packet sniffer and see what's going on. The chances good that
the DNS is busy and it takes a while to get back with a response.

>   The nsupdate utility is
>the one from ISC's website, and it is compiled for Win32.

That means that it waits on the socket select for a response from the
It won't do anything until it receives a response or times out.


>Please help.

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