DNS anomaly

Roger Keays r.keays at ninthave.net
Fri Jul 25 02:36:14 UTC 2003

> Glue records are A records for the subdomain nameservers that are in the
> *parent* zone.  They only exist when the domain is delegated to nameservers
> that are in the domain they serve.  Since ninthave.net is delegated to
> servers in the bytemark.co.uk domain, there are no glue records.
Thanks for that correction.
>>I'm doubly confused as the problem only seems to occur on Telstra DNS 
> Telstra's DNS servers don't seem to be running BIND, so they may deal with
> this anomaly differently than most other servers.
>>servers, and triply confused because the domain counsel.com.au which has 
>>almost identical configuration and the same nameservers works fine (even 
>>with Telstra servers).
> Maybe this is because Telstra hosts one of the authoritative servers for
> the com.au domain.
The problem fixed itself when the NS record for ninthave.net expired 
from the offending DNS server. When these records were reloaded, the 
corresponding A records for my nameservers were found.... can't 
understand why they weren't found previously, but it appears to be 
specific to the .net domain.

I get the impression that when the DNS server first loaded ninthave.net 
it couldn't find an A record for the nameservers (perhaps a network 
outage, or wasn't supplied with one from the .net nameservers), and it 
never tried again to find these records.

...OR... it *was* trying to find these records but was querying 
ns.ninthave.net (for the address a.ns.ninthave.net)..

... nope, that doesn't make sense either... still confused ...

Thanks for your help


ninth ave                                             p: +61 7 3870 8494
  Web Hosting                                          m: +61 405 048 371
  Web Design                                   w: http://www.ninthave.net
  Programming                                     e: r.keays at ninthave.net

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