DNS Ports

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard at tesco.net
Wed Jul 23 11:25:26 UTC 2003

DH> I know DNS uses UDP to send and get data.

JdeBP> You need to un-learn this, because it is wrong.  

KD> Participants in the DNS protocol *do* use UDP to send and 
KD> get data. Every single example in your web page opens up 
KD> holes for UDP. So in what sense is the original poster 
KD> "wrong"; what, specifically, do they need to "un-learn"?

He needs to un-learn 
	DH> DNS uses UDP to send and get data.

which is wrong, and to learn

	DH*> DNS uses both UDP and (on occasion, and depending 
	DH*> from exactly what data are being served) TCP to 
	DH*> send and get data.

which is correct.

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