Reverse Classless

Jason Oakley joakley at
Wed Jan 15 04:55:25 UTC 2003


I have a bit of a dilemma.

I have one dns server (copied to server dsltest1 to save hurting the main 
dns server with changes).
It is the master server for all addresses in our net.

I am setting up a second dns server for all addresses 
* which will be used by other people (using WebMin) 
to make changes.
They have a set of IP addresses for now : to

I can set up the second dns server (haysec1) to locally resolve say to and reverse.

I want to set up dsltest1 (being the main server everyone has in their 
computer settings) to resolve * addresses forwards 
and backwards.

So far, the forward works fine.  It downloads the ip's as a slave from haysec1.
But, I cannot for the life of me set them up so that dsltest1 can do a 
reverse lookup on
ie. nslookup

A friend has been helping me set this up, but he says the way that WebMin 
works prevents this from becoming a reality (possibly because it does not 
support classless nets?).

Either I am going to have to write my own dns-editing scripts using PHP or 
find some other way to do what I need to do.



Jason Oakley +612 82821434
MSG Security Administrator
AAPT -- Glebe -- Australia

I think you should wash your beard..
         then shave it off..
       nail it to a frisbee..
     and fling it over a rainbow  

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