calculating the cache ratio of bind

J.Smith lbalbalba at
Sun Feb 23 20:07:03 UTC 2003


At our site, we have recently started using some caching only nameservers,
and in an attempt to determine the effectiveness of them, we would like to
be able to determine the cache hit ratio. I was wondering if anyone knows of
a way to calculate the total cache hit ratio of bind, possibly by using the
named.stats file ?

We are currently running bind 4.9.3 (with some vendor supplied security
patches) at this site.
( I am aware of the fact that we shouldn't be running this release at all
(and for very good reasons), and that we should upgrade to a recent release
like bind9 or bind8 ASAP. We are working on this upgrade, but for reasons id
rather not go into here this is not going as fast as I would like and it
looks like were stuck with bind4 at this site for now. )



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