DNS Round Robin..

Doug Barton DougB at DougBarton.net
Sat Feb 22 00:44:23 UTC 2003

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, System wrote:

> I need to host one website on this two server so that even one server is
> brought down for maintenance the other server can serve my clients. How
> should I add A records in my DNS zone?

I think that your actual question was not addressed yesterday. If you put
the A records for both real web servers in a hostname for your web site,
both A records will always be returned by dns, regardless of whether the
machine behind that IP is answering queries or not.

If what you actually want is failover or load balancing so that what dns
points to is an IP address that is always pointing to something that is
going to answer queries, you need a hardware solution like an alteon,
foundry, etc. You could also hack together various solutions of your own
to test if each box is up, and change dns if one goes down, but that's
outside the scope of this list.

Hope this helps,



    "The last time France wanted more evidence, it rolled right
        through Paris with a German flag." - David Letterman

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