Too many open files

chad kellerman ckellerman at
Fri Feb 21 20:22:25 UTC 2003


     I have a strange problem.  I have a combination web server /name server 
that I upgrade from a RedHat 6.2 server running a 2.2.19 Kernel with Bind 
8.2.3 to a RedHat 7.3 server running a 2.4.19 Kernel with Bind 8.3.3.

     The ulimits match.  I have approximately 500 ips bound to the server.  
Running 6.2 the name server ran like a champ.

  But now When I start the name server after about the 494 listening on [ip 
address] in named.log I get:

21-Feb-2003 14:08:13.349 default: notice: fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 20): Too many 
open files
21-Feb-2003 14:08:13.349 default: error: socket(SOCK_DGRAM): Too many open 
21-Feb-2003 14:08:13.349 default: notice: deleting interface [$ipaddr].53
21-Feb-2003 14:08:13.349 default: notice: fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 20): Too many 
open files
21-Feb-2003 14:08:13.349 default: error: socket(SOCK_DGRAM): Too many open 

The only way to stop this is to put the listening on directive in named.conf.

I did not have to do this with an older version of the Kernel, Bind, and 
RedHat.  So why is this happening now.

I have raised all of the ulimits to higher numbers even increase 

but still the errors happen.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this issue?

Thanks, You help is greatly appreciated.


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