rndc reload returns no output to stdout

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Mon Feb 10 21:22:08 UTC 2003

>>>>> "John" == John  <johhue at yahoo.com> writes:

    John> I am running rndc/bind v. 9.2.1. on Linux.  When I reload a
    John> zone via the "rndc reload" command, nothing is returned.

Correct. That's what the software does and is documented as doing.

    John> I am told that it is supposed to return some verbose
    John> outbout, such as:

    John> "rndc reload successful."

Who/where were you told this? It's wrong.

    John> The return code is 0, and the zones are update d.

So the reload worked fine.

    John> Is there a config param to get the "rndc reload" command to
    John> return "rndc reload successful."?


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