DNS Reverse lookup zone

Barry Margolin barry.margolin at level3.com
Wed Aug 27 18:54:57 UTC 2003

In article <biit19$2rtj$1 at sf1.isc.org>,
Andrew Lee  <gladius at gladius.f9.co.uk> wrote:
>Is it possible for us to provide the reverse lookup for our IP's but for 
>our ISP to be responsible for the domain names?

Sure.  Just put the reverse domains on your nameservers.  There's no
built-in relationship between forward and reverse DNS.  They're all just
ordinary domains as far as the nameservers and resolvers are concerned.

However, it's often a maintenance headache to have different organizations
maintain the two domains, because it's very easy for them to become
inconsistent.  ISPs often use software to build the forward and reverse
domains automatically from the same raw data, so they can ensure

>We have our own RIPE allocated class C subnets, and our ISP is holding the 
>mx and other records for our domain, but they say they can't do the reverse 
>DNS, because the IP's do not belong to them - so we would need to do this 
>ourselves. Is this possible? Or do we need to do both?

They're wrong about not being able to do the reverse DNS.  You should be
able to have RIPE delegate the reverse DNS to their nameservers.

Barry Margolin, barry.margolin at level3.com
Level(3), Woburn, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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