ACL and keys

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at
Fri Aug 22 20:04:14 UTC 2003

thanks for the info, I found the link with Mark's comment. Kevin posted 
a confusing one, where is no "any" statement in the notslaves acl, which 
is crutial. btw very elegent solution. I knew address_match_lists are 
processed in order, but that acl are as well, this a little hidden :-)

posting the full link for everybody who is searching.

my tested config now

acl slaves {;

include "sharedsecret.txt";

acl notslaves { ! slaves; any; };

options {
        directory "/usr/local/dns/ns0.bind-8.3.6/zones";
        datasize 20M;
        listen-on {; };
        allow-transfer { ! notslaves; key tsigkey.; };

and only and only with TSIG key is allowed.


Jim Reid wrote:

>>>>>>"Ladislav" == Ladislav Vobr <lvobr at> writes:
>    Ladislav> aha, I basically in this example want only
>    Ladislav> but only when it has a valid key, then nobody
>    Ladislav> else.... with or without keys or with the same or
>    Ladislav> different ip.... 
>An example of how to combine IP addresses with a TSIG key for access
>control was posted to this list a few months ago. This explained how
>to provide an ACL that requires the client to have an acceptable IP
>address AND a valid TSIG key. Consult the list archives.

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