Assigning names to loopback

Stolen stolen at
Sat Aug 16 14:19:25 UTC 2003

Is this a resolver problem or a bind problem?  Using the information 
below, this looks more like a resolver issue.
What do digs look like using<domain> at the 
name server?

Michael K McKinnon wrote:

>I am using BIND 8.2.2 P5. Due to the MBLASTER virus that is circulating the
>Internet, I want to configure three websites to address
>I've attempted to enter the following in my zone file.
>localhost               IN    A 
>   IN    CNAME localhost
>       IN    CNAME localhost
>   IN    CNAME localhost
>When I look up the above three addresses and
> both resolve to, but
> resolves to its Internet IP addresses.
>I also have tried the above configuration using localhost.<domain_name>. ,
>but still the same results.
>Any help is greatly appreciated.
>Michael McKinnon
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