IDN related

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at
Wed Aug 6 07:26:14 UTC 2003

hmm, I know it's just the application, which will have to follow 
punycode encoding, but there are several subjects already providing IDN 
registrations(i-dns, verisign,neteka,waleed..). When you think about it 
definitely they run  they own so called "IDN root servers" probably each 
of them different ones, with different approach, my questions was 
towards this, how this is going to be standarized, how the normal root 
servers fit into the picture and where can I get some information about 
this.  Sorry to keep posting about IDN and thanks for any reply


phn at wrote:

>Ladislav Vobr <lvobr at> wrote:
>>Is there any public mailing list discussing various use/implementation
>>of International Domain names, clients issues, coding, IDN root servers.
>>My apology for not directly related post, but I noticed couple of people
>>mentioning IDN.
> seems to be a good 
>starting point ...
>There is no changes in dns, no changes in root-servers etc.
>It's all up to the application(s)

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