Dynamic DNS and cnames

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at ies.etisalat.ae
Wed Aug 6 02:50:50 UTC 2003


we don't provide dynamic dns updates, so I guess there is no way to do
it, unless I will be typing the changes it myself :-(.
I am still under impression dnsupdate is using udp and ip authentication
only, is that true ?
Is there a secure protocol (TSIG,SIG0... I can use to do dnsupdate ?


Kevin Darcy wrote:

>Ladislav Vobr wrote:
>>We are having customers with dynamic ip addresses running their services
>>on dynamic IP addresses. We don't offer dynamic dns updates. Is there
>>any other way customer can update his dns. The problem is like this.
>>Customer has set up dynamic DNS service with some other DNS provider,
>>having for example mail.dyn-dns.org be his mailserver and
>>www.dyn-dns.org to be his web. My question is - on our dns servers
>>customer has for example testdomain.ae configured  and he wants
>>www.testdomain.ae and testdomain.ae to be a cname to his
>>www.dyn-dns.org and mx record to be a cname to his mail.dyn-dns.org. As
>>I know having cname for domain is not possible and having cname in MX
>>record is not  correct as well, any way how to achieve this ?
>No, the name of a zone cannot legally own a CNAME record, nor is it legal
>for the target of an MX record to be a CNAME. This "illegality" is not some
>artificial constraint either: if you break these rules the results will be
>unpredictable and can be rather difficult to troubleshoot. Just Don't Do
>Your customer's only reasonable choice is to have A records for the
>zone-apex and MX target which are updated in parallel with the dyn-dns.org
>- Kevin

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