web resources - install bind on win XP

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Fri Sep 27 05:35:23 UTC 2002

At 11:46 PM 9/26/02, Tommy McLeod wrote:

> > >As XP is just Windows NT 5.1, use the Windows NT version of BIND.
> > >Note that XP is a consumer OS and it should not be used on servers.
> >
> > That may be true of XP Home, but XP Pro is meant to replace 2K Pro.
> > Except that you need to enable the file systems/gui to see the permissions
> > tab for dealing with file permissions.
> >
>Yes, pro, but not server, its still a desktop OS, not a server, however
>much it tries to be .... much like NT workstation was the cut down
>version of NT4 Server, still not a server .... ".NET" server is the more
>"XPish" windows server, when it gets past Beta ....

BIND doesn't really care at all about the differences since it's not
dependant on them.  There are some performance/tuning differences
but they wouldn't make much of a difference for BIND. In fact when
you take into account the cost differences between Server and Pro,
you'd be better off just buying a faster processor and more memory
for a lot less money.

>On the other hand, you could use an *nix .....

Or CP/M!!! :-)


>"At what price, and to whom?"
>         - A Realist

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