Weird DNS problem: domain sometimes "invisible"

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Tue Sep 10 00:11:01 UTC 2002

Alan Murrell wrote:

> Hello, all.
> I work for a hosting company, and am having a weird problem I have not
> been able to figure out; hopefully you can help me out, or point me in
> the right direction?
> We have a customer who is hosting ~15 domains on a dedicated box,
> which handles their web hosting and email.  We are hosting their DNS.
> The box only has one IP address, and so I have created only one record
> with the WWW, MAIL, FTP all pointing to the one IP address.
> In the Zone record for each domain, I have each one pointing to this
> one file, and they all resolve and respond perfectly.  This is similar
> to what we do for our own hosting Customers.
> However, on the domains hosted by the dedicated box, there is one in
> particular that will stop responding to pings, and the page unable to
> be brought up by anyone outside of our network.  In other words, I can
> bring up the site and ping the domain if I am using our DNS servers.
> However, if I ping from an outside connection, I get "host unknown".
> It will be like this for several hours, then just "mysteriously"
> correct itself.
> Has anyone else experienced something like this, and if so, what was
> the cause?  How do I correct this?  If this is an FAQ somewhere, then
> feel free to point me there :-)

This could be any number of things.

What is the domain name?

- Kevin

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