DNS Authority Question

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Sun Nov 24 03:21:46 UTC 2002

At 11:26 PM 11/10/02, Joshua Kuo wrote:

>hi all:
>i've been recently assigned the new DNS admin, and one of my new tasks is
>to add some new MX records to one of the new machines (let's call it
>beavis.com). i've done the following:
>@                       A 
>                         MX 100      new.mail1.beavis.com
>                         MX 200      new.mail2.beavis.com
>                         MX 300      mail.beavis.com
>the original assignment was just:
>@                       A 
>                         MX 30       mail.beavis.com
>after i've done all that, did a ndc reload, and tried to do a dig on this
>machine, i was surprised to find that the MX record was NOT updated.

You also need to update the serial number of the SOA record for it to take
affect otherwise the slave servers won't see it.

>below is the result of my dig (modified, of course):

What's of course about it? If you want real help you should be posting the
actual names.

>[me at home me]$ dig beavis.com mx
>; <<>> DiG 9.2.0 <<>> beavis.com mx
>;; global options:  printcmd
>;; Got answer:
>;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 51587
>;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 2
>;beavis.com.                    IN      MX
>beavis.com.             86400   IN      MX      30 mail.beavis.com.
>beavis.com.             86400   IN      NS      slave-dns.1.my.isp.
>mail.beavis.com.        86400   IN      A
>dns-server.1.my.isp.    86400   IN      A
>i am curious about the AUTHORITY SECTION, because i have 3 DNS servers (1
>master, 2 slaves), and for some reason this machine only has the first
>slave as its authority. i did another dig on all other machines, and they
>have all 3 of the DNS master & slaves show up as the AUTHORITY like the
>butthead.com.             86400   IN      NS      master-dns.my.isp.
>butthead.com.             86400   IN      NS      slave-dns.1.my.isp.
>butthead.com.             86400   IN      NS      slave-dns.2.my.isp.
>where is dig getting the authority section from? i have checked all my
>config files and i could not find where i could specify it. is it
>something that his machine needs to do with Network Solutions (or whoever
>they registered the name through)?

Noone can tell you because you didn't post the real names so noone
can look at them and tell you.

>thank you very much for your time. i know this must be a newbies question
>and many people will ignore my inexperienced question. but if someone
>could please point out some reading materials or directions, i would
>really appreciate it.

Read DNS and BIND  as well as the Cookbook by Cricket Liu.



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