Bind 8 & ndc

dreynos at dreynos at
Fri Nov 22 21:26:03 UTC 2002

Hi, guys.
I want to ask you about a trouble that I have with BIND 8.2.3 and 8.3.3.
I installed BIND 8.2.3 succesfuly (or I tried) on an Sun worksatation with
Solaris 8. I start DNS server with "named" and it works fine, but when I
tried to stop it, then appears the following error. It is :

SGERDTS# /temp >ndc stop
ndc: error: ctl_client: evConnect(fd 3): No such file or directory
ndc: error: cannot connect to command channel (/app/named/etc/ndc.d/ndc)

I saw that there wasn't any ndc.d directory, then I created it. But that
message appeared again. I tried to create ndc file (#touch ndc) but the
same error message appears. I find out in Internet for some help about ndc
and ndc.d/ndc and I found that ndc is a "socket file". I don't know if
it's true, but on another DNS that works well, exist this file as :

# cd /app/named/etc/ndc.d/
# ls -a
..    ..   ndc
# ls -la
total 4
drwx------   2 root     root         512 Jul 26 16:07 .
drwxr-xr-x   3 named    other        512 Oct 15 12:34 ..
srwxr-xr-x   1 root     other          0 Jul 26 16:07 ndc

I don't know if it is created automatically during BIND's installation, or
should I do it manually.
Could you give me some directions about the solution of this problem.
I don't know yet why this file wasn't created while the installation.


PD : For installing, I did these steps :
# cd src
# make stdlinks
# make clean
# make depend
# make all
# make install
Is there some trouble in it ?

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