remote dns domains: using type "forward" or edit in the db.cache file?? magiciq at
Wed Nov 20 11:47:58 UTC 2002


What is the best solution when I have foreign domains in my local DNS?
When a name is coming to my DNS and ask for resolving, my DNS will not 
resolved that name, instead of my DNS will forward the request to the 
dedicated DNS in aboard. That why I use type forward.
But now is little confuse. I heard from somebody instead of using forward, you 
can also put all the foreign domains in your zone "." file. In my case the 
db.cache. Normally I have put only my local hostname + IP-address over there 
and nothing more.

Please let me know what are the different between using forward or putting 
everything in the db.cache file. Which one I have to use???

Besides that in the named.conf, under zone ".", I use type hint instead of 
master. Since our DNS is not connected to the real internet world (private 
camp). So I use type hint that is what I have learn. Can somebody tell me what 
is correct hint or master and when I have to use hint and when master??




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