Unix client resolving differently

Stolen stolen at thecave.net
Tue Nov 19 13:14:42 UTC 2002

what does your /etc/resolv.conf have in it?  If it doesn't have a search 
domain, when you do an nslookup on chivas.mp, it will not know that you 
want to add sandia.gov to the end of your query, and therefore send out 
just a query for chivas.mp.

Cinense, Mark wrote:

>I was wondering if anyone has seen this.  I have 2 BIND servers internally
>behind a firewall, and they do not communicate with any of the root servers,
>or any nameserver except for my 2 external BIND servers.  
>For some strange reason, when you are on a Unix machine, you do a lookup on
>chivas.mp, the nameserver will return  However on an MS box,
>you do the same lookup and it returns what my zone file has in it.  So for
>UNIX machine:
># nslookup chivas.mp 
>Server:  ns4.sandia.gov
>Non-authoritative answer:
>Name:    chivas.mp
>WINDOWS machine:
>F:\>nslookup chivas.mp
>Server:  ns4.sandia.gov
>Name:    saux016.sandia.gov
>Aliases:  chivas.mp.sandia.gov
>I had the client do a snoop on the packets, and looks like the Unix machine
>is sending out the query like this:
>Which is really strange.
>I am not sure why it is doing this.  Can someone please help.  

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