Named CPU skyrockets for ActiveX objects in IE 5.5 browser

JB usenet at
Sun May 26 23:00:59 UTC 2002

I have discovered that the same problem occurs when I stream audio with
Windows Media Player.  If I just run WMP without a stream, CPU rests around
9-10%.  If I then stream, CPU ranges from 21-26%.  When I then start the
named service, the named service takes up 63-71% of the CPU, with total CPU
ranging from 97-100%.

At this point, stopping the stream is not enough.  I presume that stopping
the stream does not inherently release the ActiveX object that may be
affecting BIND's CPU usage.

If I shut down WMP, or stop the named service, everything returns to normal.

To tested it with something other than a stream, I opened WMP with named.exe
running... everything OK.  Then opened \WINNT\clock.avi.  Same thing...
named CPU jumps from about 0% to 61%, and stays up there until I close WMP,
or stop the BIND service.

Again, for those that didn't read earlier posts about this happening when
certain ActiveX controls ran in IE, usually advertisements, the logs do not
show any queries showing up, except those that are explicitly created, such
as through HOST.  This named server is not advertised on the internet, with
no domain pointing to it.  This is primarily a testing environment.  Of
course, there is no way I can deploy BIND until I understand this problem.



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