Help with logging option on named.conf

Luis Manuel Cova lcova at
Sat May 11 17:00:58 UTC 2002

I'm having some trouble with the logging option in the named.conf file..

I configured my named.conf to redirect some errors to a diferent file (as
described below)

This is the logging section in my named.conf file..
The problem is that i dont get any errors in the messages file nor in the
msg-lame or msg-response (i get the normal logging in the messages files but
i dont get any logging of lame servers errors or response checks errors..)

After adding the logging option in the named.conf file what else does one
have to do... (Of course i restarted the maned server and the syslog)

logging {
        channel lame {
                  file "/var/log/msg-lame" versions 2;
                  severity dynamic;
                  print-severity yes;
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;
        channel my_response_checks {
                  file "/var/log/msg-response" versions 2;
                  severity dynamic;
                  print-severity yes;
                  print-category yes;
                  print-time yes;

        category lame-servers { lame; };
        category response-checks { my_response_checks; };
        category security { null; };

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