Zone file sanity check script

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Mar 20 17:04:44 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Martyn" == Martyn Drake <martyn at> writes:

    Martyn> Does anybody have any recommendations or know about any
    Martyn> pre-written scripts that performs basic sanity checking on
    Martyn> zone files?  It is all too easy for somebody to forget to
    Martyn> add a full-stop or use a hash instead of a semi-colon for
    Martyn> comments which ultimately prevent BIND from loading that
    Martyn> zone file.

Try named-checkconf that comes with BIND9. It uses the same zone file
parsing code that the BIND9 server uses. The tool will catch any
syntax errors. It won't be able to catch semantic errors like a name
that's missing a terminating dot. After all how could it really know
for sure if a trailing dot should or shouldn't be there?

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